Celebrating The School Prom Photo Shoot Celebrating The School Prom Photo Shoot

Celebrating The School Prom Photo Shoot

School Prom Photo Shoot

The school prom (or promenade) originally began in American colleges and universities in the late 1800s and has become increasingly popular in the UK with most schools offering separate prom evenings for Year 11 and Year 13 students.

While the word ‘Prom’ is likely to be on the lips of most students at this time of year, with lots of planning and preparation currently taking place to get the perfect look, they also offer a break from the stress of exams. The glamour of the prom evening with it’s limousines, spectacular dresses and accessories and guys in their suits, all combine to create an event to remember. The prom provides a great ‘send-off’ for school leavers and is the perfect reward for all that hard work during term time.

School Prom Photo Shoot Portraits

While there will be lots of prom photos taken at home and throughout the evening, it can be reassuring to have professional photographs of your prom to capture the look.
I have put together a special prom photo studio offer to celebrate the prom and help you get prom photos that you will enjoy looking at in years to come. Choose between one person or any number up to six people to attend your prom studio photo shoot. There's a free print for every person in the prom photo shoot too! If you would prefer to have an outdoor prom shoot, either on your own or in a group, please contact the studio and we can arrange this.

Your prom portrait shoot can either take place a few days or weeks before your prom, on the day itself or shortly afterwards. Early booking is advised if you want your photo shoot on the day of the prom as these times can be very popular. I often get asked to take prom portrait photos after prom events if students or parents are not keen on the prom photographs they have from the evening. Wearing the dress or DJ after the event can be less stressful and more relaxed too. Whether you choose the studio or an outdoor location, having a prom photo shoot is a great excuse to wear your dress or suit more than once!

Image shows a group prom photo

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