Fantasy Art Photo Shoot
This is a collection of fantasy art photographs of Melanie taken in the Kendal studio during one of my Fantasy Art portrait sessions. As a fantasy art photographer I offer fantasy art photo shoot sessions that are suitable for all ages from around 6+ years to adult. The theme for my fantasy artwork can be anything of your choice from fairy art to cosplay (such as anime, or one of the Marvel/DC characters) or live action role play (LARP) characters.
Melanie had already developed her Ice Queen character before we met so this formed the basis of most of the photographs I created for her that day. The costumes, props and make-up were all amazing so all I had to do was be inspired and create a vision of Melanie's character!
I start with the vision for the photo art first. I want to have an idea in my mind of how the finished digital artwork will look before I take any photographs.
Here is a before and after image to show this. The completed image I envisioned I called 'fire and ice' so I needed Melanie to pose for this so that I could add other visual elements later to create the location and mood.

There are quite a number of different elements in the finished image above including the rock, distant mountains, mist, snow and sky. I blend all of these together to make the finished digital composite image.
The appearance of the completed fire and ice photographic art work reminded me of a child's story book picture so I took it a step futher and created the book image below:

Not all of the images I create are quite as complex as the one above. Here's another using a simple prop (the orb) with some added artwork to bring the orb to life.

I toned the colours in the next image to suit the colours in Melanie's gown and then I added the ice elements to complete the final digital image artwork.
My fantasy art photo shoots are a great way of getting artwork that is completely unique and with the right photo products they look stunning when displayed on a wall or in an album.

If you would like to see more of my fantasy artwork and fantasy art photography, you may want to read the article I wrote about cosplay photography which you can find here.
Do you like the style? I would love to hear your comments and if you like the idea of your own fantasy art photo shoot or you would like to give this as a gift, please contact the photo studio. I would love hear your ideas and answer any questions you may have.